Mastering the Art

How to Get Abs Before Summer Hits

Picture this: Summer is around the corner, and you've set your sights on rocking a beach-ready six-pack. But as you embark on your quest for defined abs, you're bombarded with conflicting information. From fad diets to endless crunches, the journey seems murky, and frustration sets in. The truth is, that achieving those coveted abs is not about shortcuts or one-size-fits-all solutions. This article is here to cut through the noise and provide you with a clear roadmap tailored to your goals. Bid farewell to confusion, as we unravel the secrets of how to get abs, ensuring you hit the shores with confidence this summer. Get ready to unlock the code to your dream midsection!

Here is what we will be covering:

· Optimal ab training with just two exercises; 

· Strategic dietary adjustments to shed fat; 

· Low down on supplements that genuinely make a difference.

Mastering the Art How to Get Abs Before Summer Hits

What's happening in your midsection right now? If you're searching for a chiseled physique, the journey begins with understanding body fat percentages.

At 50%, your abs are a distant dream; even at 40%, they're playing hide-and-seek. It's not until you hit the 20% mark that those coveted six-pack abs start peeking through. But, fear not, we're not advocating for extreme dieting. The sweet spot for a visible yet sustainable six-pack ranges from 10% to 20% body fat. In this transformative zone, you get the abs you crave without sacrificing your well-being.

Let's dive into ab training, a topic often dismissed as futile by some. The common argument suggests that working on your abs is pointless unless you're lean enough to showcase them. But, hold on—would you skip shoulder workouts because the definition isn't visible without leanness? Probably not. The truth is, that training your abs is crucial to build the muscle foundation that will shine through when you cut down.

Forget the flashy, fast-paced circuits flooding the internet; they're more cardio than muscle builders. To make your six-pack pop, embrace progressive overload training – just like you would for any other muscle. Load those ab muscles with weight, stimulate hypertrophy, and watch them stand out. It's time to redefine your ab workout strategy.

Two ab killers exercises

Crafting your dream six-pack doesn't have to be complicated—just two exercises are your golden ticket. First up, the loaded crunch. Picture this: cable crunches or plate-weighted crunches. For cable crunches, grab a rope, kneel, and crunch, keeping that tension on your six-pack. No cable? No problem. Opt for plate-weighted crunches by holding a plate to your chest and crunching down hard. Three sets of 10-12 reps, twice a week, pushing the last set to failure. Challenge yourself—add weight or reps, maintaining perfect form.

A woman doing crunches

Now, let's talk leg raises. Hanging from a pull-up bar or using a Roman chair, the choice is yours. The Roman chair ensures your lower back stays put, putting the spotlight on those abs. Three sets of 10-20 reps, twice a week, and, you guessed it, push that last set to failure—progress by adding reps weekly or incorporating ankle weights when you hit the peak.

A man doing hanging leg raises

Planks are fantastic for overall core strength, but for a sculpted six-pack, they're optional. Anti-rotation movements target other core muscles, but for the star of the show, nothing beats the direct tension of weighted crunches and leg raises.


Enhancing your plan with a dash of cardio isn't just a bonus—it's a smart move. Recent studies reveal that pairing weight training with cardio trims your waistline more effectively than relying solely on weight training. The perks don't stop there; an active cardio routine grants you the luxury of indulging in more calories. What's even better? Folks embracing an active lifestyle tend to triumph in the long-term battle against weight gain. Consider weaving in 2 to 5 sessions of 30-minute, low to moderate-intensity cardio each week.


Yet, here's the unvarnished truth: No matter how scientifically advanced your AB training is, until you shed enough body fat, those abs won't make a grand entrance. That's where nutrition takes the stage, stealing the spotlight in your journey to unveil those elusive, sculpted abs.

Now, let's craft your foolproof six-pack diet—it's refreshingly straightforward. Take your current body weight, multiply it by 22 to 24, and voila, that's your daily caloric target. Shift gears to protein: Multiply your goal body weight by 1.7 to 2.2, and that's your protein intake. Ensure a minimum of 50 grams of fat daily, leaving the rest as free calories, whether they flirt with carbs, fat, or protein. Forget the food fret—what matters most is hitting your daily goals.

There is a natural bodybuilder (Alberto Nunez) who achieved his shredded physique while enjoying regular doses of Pop-Tarts. However, lean towards wholesome, minimally processed foods most of the time, even if the occasional indulgence tempts you.


It's essential to note that metabolism varies from person to person. In the next segment, I'll unveil some common mistakes to ensure these calories and macros align seamlessly with your unique body. Keep in mind; that it's not a one-size-fits-all journey—some might find the calories a tad high, while others may feel they're a smidge low.

The most prevalent blunder I witness during a fat loss journey is the rush to shed pounds rapidly. It's a surefire way not only to bid farewell to hard-earned muscle and strength but also to greet back all that weight once the diet curtain falls. For a sustainable and effective fat loss expedition, aim for a gradual pace—around 0.5 to 1% of your body weight weekly. Picture this: if you're tipping the scales at 90 kg, target a weekly loss of 0.5 to 1 kg.

Here's a golden nugget: If your weight loss venture stretches beyond three consecutive months, insert a 2 to 3-week diet break midway. Calculate the caloric magic by multiplying your current body weight by 28 to 30—it's your ticket to a brief nutritional respite. Expect some minor fluctuations, but trust me, the majority witness superior weight loss post-diet break. Steer clear of the common mistake of fixating on the body weight scale. While it's a handy tool, it can be a tricky illusion, especially if you're sculpting muscle as you melt fat.

My advice? Embrace monthly progress photos, captured under the same lighting. It might feel awkward initially, but the satisfaction of witnessing your journey's visual tale will outweigh any initial discomfort. Adding monthly waist measurements to the mix is another savvy move—they provide tangible evidence of fat loss, even if the scale dances to its rhythm.

A woman measuring her belly

Lastly, it's prevalent for folks to set overly lean end goals. Once you slip below the 8 to 10% zone for men or the 18 to 20% range for women, prepare for a dip in energy, surges of extreme hunger, and a muted libido. Strike the right balance, and your fat loss journey will be a steady, rewarding ascent.



Now, let's dive into a few game-changing supplements. First on the podium is the mighty protein powder. While not mandatory, it's a secret weapon for effortlessly meeting your daily protein goals. You can take a protein shake right after a workout, not because of some elusive anabolic window, but because it's a quick and efficient strategy to elevate your daily protein tally.

Up next is creatine monohydrate—a bona fide powerhouse. You can take 5 grams every day, and the beauty is, timing is a non-issue. No need for cycling on and off—decades of research have debunked any concerns. Creatine stands as one of the few legal supplements backed by extensive studies proving its prowess in enhancing both strength and muscle mass. Forget about the myths of looking watery or bloated; this gem works wonders for about 75% of individuals. To find out if you're one of the fortunate responders, give it a go.

Last but not least, let's talk about caffeine. Beyond its mild thermogenic effect and potential calorie burn, the real magic lies in its ability to heighten focus and alertness during training. Now, a word to the wise—caffeine tolerance is a thing. Reserve it for days when you genuinely need that extra kick or consider cycling off for a few weeks now and then. It's not just about the burn; it's about the buzz that fuels your workout zest.

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Source: Jeff Nipard



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